Wayne's first mixtape, "Da Drought," was released, drawing significant attention from the press, helping to build anticipation for his next full-length. "The Carter" arrived in 2004, breaking Wayne to a mainstream audience, bolstered by the number five single...
" Khaled shouted in between verses by Ross and Lil Wayne. And later, Jay-Z stole the spotlight as he testified, "These ain't songs, these is hymns 'cause I'm him/ It's the Psalm 151, this New Testament/ The book of Hov/ Jesus turned water to wine/ For ...
As I hiked that afternoon, the weather continued to improve, but I was growing weary. My feet ached and pain was shooting across the front of my left knee. At mile 236 I sat down on a log with Master Wayne. He was preparing to take a side trail and head home, as his section hike...