Download/Documentation/How to distribute your works that use lilToon 日本語 unitypackageをUnityウィンドウにドラッグ&ドロップ、もしくはUPMからをインポートしてください。
lilToon 1.3.2 Download SupportPackage Built-in RP, LWRP, URP, HDRPlilToon_1.3.2.unitypackage Changelog Added UV Modefor normal map 2nd Cull Modefor main color 2nd / 3rd Receive Shadowto outline highlight Extended 2 pass transparent shader ...
ii. Import from UPM. Select a material from Project. Select lilToon from Shader at the top of Inspector. If no texture has been applied, set the texture to Main Color. To make the material transparent, change Rendering Mod...
Download SupportPackage Built-in RP (VRChat, etc) lilToon_1.2.10.unitypackage LWRP 4.0.0 - 6.9.1 lilToon_1.2.10_LWRP.unitypackage URP 7.0.0 - 12.1.4 lilToon_1.2.10_URP.unitypackage HDRP 4.0.0 - 12.1.4 lilToon_1.2.10_HDRP.unitypackage Changelog Added Added an editor (Window/_lil/...
Download/Documentation/How to distribute your works that use lilToon 日本語 unitypackageをUnityウィンドウにドラッグ&ドロップ、もしくはUPMからをインポートしてください。