ResMLP (from Facebook/Sorbonne/Inria/Valeo), released with paper ResMLP: Feedforward networks for image classification with data-efficient training, by Hugo Touvron, Piotr Bojanowski, Mathilde Caron, Matthieu Cord, Alaaeldin El-Nouby, Edouard Grave, Gautier Izacard, Armand Joulin, Gabriel Synnaeve...
Bo and Gabe. We (the people, not the dogs) discussed my thru-hike attempt, and they suggested I pose for an “REI photo” on a rock ledge…so I did. I then took photos of them doing the same.
Opttiimmaall Life IInnssuurraance bbyy Karl Boarch * 11. Introduction 1.11.. AA perssoonn whhoo wannttss to aarrange hhis life iinnssurance in tthhe bbeesstt ppoossssiibble mmanner wwill probably be bewilderreedd by the many ddiiffferent offers available from iinnssuurraannccee ccoomm...