首先,打开您的 Excel 应用程序和工作表。 然后,单击“插入”菜单,单击“我的应用程序”,然后单击“查看全部”。 如果您安装了插件,那么您会在插件页面上看到您的 ChartExpo。 单击加载项,然后单击页面底部的“插入”。 加载项将添加到您的 Excel 界面。 您可以使用现有的 Microsoft 帐户登录或创建一个新帐户。 ...
We need to collect data from participants or customers. You can collect data manually or use online survey tools. We have created the following survey with Google Forms. Gather all the answers and organize them. Fill the responses in Excel to make a workable dataset. A sample dataset of 12 ...
Its simplicity and versatility make it a popular method for gathering and analyzing data in various fields, from psychology and education to market research and beyond.Video Tutorials: How to Create a 5-Point Likert Scale ChartHow to Create a 5-Point Likert Scale Chart in Excel?
Another way to analyze rating-scale data is by looking at top-box or top-2-box scores. Assume you’re using a rating scale of 1 to 5, with 5 meaning “Strongly Agree.” The sample data inFigure 6.1illustrate the calculation of top-box and top-2-box scores. A top-box score would ...
However, it is not interval data. You cannot say the distances between “strongly agree” and “agree” would be the same as “neutral” and “disagree,” for example. People tend to think there is a bigger difference between items at the extremes of the scale than in the middle (there ...
一、 四种量表 1、 李克特量表(Likert scale) 是属评分加总式量表最常用的一种,属同一构念的这些项目是用加总方式来计分,单独或个别项目是无意义的。它是由美国社会心理学家利克特于1932年在原有的总加量表基础上改进而成的。该量表由一组陈述组成,每一陈述有"非常同意"、"同意"、"不一定"、"不同意"、"非...