Watch the Latest from AppleInsider TV "A rumor that the service would launch alongside the iPad surfaced in the wake of Steve Jobs' New York media tour earlier this month," he wrote. "And I don't think that’s a coincidence. But I don't think that makes it so, e...
First thing we need to acknowledge is the limitations of our knowledge. We didn’t know crap 50 yrs ago about just about everything related to moon travel, we didn’t know jack 30 yrs ago about the effects of long term (a matter of weeks) space exposure until Skylab, and we don’t...
With the exception of "PC free" OTA activation, it took more than a year for Apple to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And they say its all 'feedback" related ? There must a constant coincidence every time, which i doubt.. Its about time Apple did this, so ...