We like the people who accept the responsibility for what they do , who accept changes , who are different , and recognize the chances that lead us towards success . Tražimo ljude koji prihvaćaju odgovornost za ono što rade , koji prihvaćaju promjene , koji su različiti ...
Dan O'brien
Chances are, if they don’t, it’s not that they’re jerks or rude people but that they haven’t place enough importance on people skills. If that person does know the name, very likely you already know that they are great with people and emotionally intelligent. CEOs talk about how im...
By the Studio's smaller design a LOT of people are happy with it, but getting a smaller drive killed your ugprade chances as reported the first month it shipped (unsure if that's changed). That's my non-engineering based opinion though. EugW macrumors P6 Jun 18...