and assessing the likelihood of threats, the level of impact (consequence/harm caused) and the level of risk. 評估過程包括確定潛在威脅的種類,以及評估受襲擊 的可能性、影響( 後果和傷害) 程度,和風險水平。 For an easy illustration of risk analysis and the evaluation...
This is also a consequence of the inherent sample weighting explained in the previous bullet. The log pseudolikelihood is used as a maximization criterion to obtain parameter estimates, but is not representative of the distribution of the data. For this reason, likelihood-ratio (LR) tests (the ...
Reliability analysis provides a measure of a structure’s capacity of fulfilling safety requirements within a considered reference period, and a quantitative link between the professional practice of structural engineering and its social consequence. This is particularly relevant as the structures are often...
Then the L^p-boundedness of \widehat{u}_n is a consequence of (1.6). The inequality (1.6) is extremely important since it quantitatively estimates the tail of . As well as the maximum likelihood estimator, the L^p-boundedness of \widetilde{u}_n also follows from (1.6). Kutoyants (...
They are the consequence of Eq. (1) with \(g(y) =1\{y\in R_i\}\). Similarly, $$\begin{aligned} I_{i,js} (\varvec{\upeta })= & {} E_{\varvec{\upeta }} \left\{ {\frac{\partial }{\partial \eta _j }\log f_i (Y_i |\varvec{\upeta })\cdot \frac{\partial...
As a consequence, sperm-egg interactions in birds do not represent such a stringent species-specific barrier as they do in mammals. The fertilization mechanism in fish is rather different from that in mammals and birds. Most fish sperm lack an acrosome and penetrate the egg envelope via a ...
As a consequence, for a fixed value of β , the CMDPDE of θ can be obtained by minimizing the expression given in (6); or equivalently, by maximizing the expression: 1 n β ∑ i = 1 n CL ( θ , y i ) β − 1 1 + β ∫ R m CL ( θ , y ) 1 + β d y . (7...
In consequence, we have to tackle two problems: non-normality and the dependence structure in (𝜂𝑡,𝜔𝑡)(ηt,ωt). In the case of 𝜌=0ρ=0, Shumway and Stoffer (2006, chp. 6) provide a maximum likelihood estimation method. The idea of this method is to approximate the ...
Researchers are often faced with the challenge of developing statistical models with incomplete data. Exacerbating this situation is the possibility that either the researcher’s complete-data model or the model of the missing-data mechanism is misspecif