当你第一次和他/她约会时,你可以说“I really like the cut of your jib,you look great”,这句话的意思是“我非常喜欢你的外表,你看起来非常棒”。I like the cut of your jib—you've got a brazenness in business that's pretty rare these days.我喜欢你的风格——你在商业上有一种很少见的...
I like the cut of your Jib a far classier version of "i like your style", originally used by pirates in the 17th century the expression refers to the forward sail on most ships. The course and speed of a ship is determined by the cut of the ships jib so saying that you like the ...
Previous research has established that the appearance of criminal suspects and defendants can affect subsequent legal decisions. Specifically, researchers have proposed that (1) masculine suspects are believed to commit more stereotypically male crimes (e.g., burglary), (2) masculine suspects are ...
usage:likelymeaning “probably” is often preceded by a qualifying word:The new system will quite likely increase profits.Some usage guides maintain that such a qualifier must always be present. However,likelywithout the qualifier is standard in all varieties of English:The new system will likely ...