set; where uppercase(product) like "MEN%"; run; data mens_products; set; where lowcase(product) like "men%"; run; 上面这几点基本上能涵盖大部分实际应用中碰到的情况啦。当然,like在proc sql中的应用也是一样的。 原文链接(特别啰嗦的那个): https://www.sascrunch....
如何仅选择以特定字母开头的名称,而不是使用proc sql (SAS)中的like函数 如何使用pathlib处理以~开头的路径? 防止在PostgreSQL全文搜索中对以#开头的单词进行词干处理 bash中`psql`时,如何向postgresql插入以`'`开头的字符串? 是否使用Jquery插入以@开头的文本值?
在SQL 中,LIKE 子句用于模糊匹配,它可以帮助我们在查询数据库时找到包含特定字符串的记录。LIKE 子句中的特殊字符可以帮助我们更精确地指定要匹配的字符串。以下是一些常用的特殊字符: %:匹配任意数量的字符,包括零个字符。 _:匹配单个字符。 :匹配指定范围内的任意单个字符。例如,a-z 将匹配任意小写字母。
Hi All, I have been trying to use like operator with _(underscore). Could someone tell why the below mentioned program didn't work? However, if I use % , getting the required output. proc sql;create table navin as select * from sashelp.carswhere model like 'M_X';quit;0...
SAS has included the SOUNDEX function and sounds-like operator (=*) since version 6.07 in both the DATA step and SQL procedure (PROC SQL). But phonetic matching is still relatively new to many SAS professionals. This paper will take a closer look at the function SOUNDEX and the sounds-...
Server is 2016 Standard w/ Hyper-V role.Using Dell Appasure (Now Quest Rapid Restore) backup/imaging software I had to convert a physical server which failed to a VM. Essentially performing a physical to virtual conversion with "virtual standby" tools inside of Rapid Restore....
Briefly, IMGT/HighV-QUEST50 was used for immunogenetics and SAS JMP10 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was used for statistical analyses. The output results from the IMGT/HighV-QUEST analysis were stored at a local PostgreSQL database. Structured Query Language (SQL) was used to retrieve the IGH...
Summary data used to create the final graphs were taken from the SASHELP.ORSALES dataset and were summarized using PROC SQL. Posters SUGI 31 Page 2 of 9 ODS LAYOUT – WHAT IS IT? ODS LAYOUT is a new feature in SAS ® version 9. Using it allows you to create a PDF file on the ...
Hi All, I have been trying to use like operator with _(underscore). Could someone tell why the below mentioned program didn't work? However, if I use % , getting the required output. proc sql;create table navin as select * from sashelp.carswhere model like 'M_X';quit;0...
SAS宏变量不解析内PROC SQL SELECT :语句 我有一个proc语句,当我使用实际值时,它可以正常工作,但是当我用宏变量调用替换该值时,它就不能工作了。任何帮助,这是为什么会发生,如何我可以修复它将是非常感谢!var_2019 = 120; proc sqlnoprint; where upcase 浏览8提问于2022-05-27得票数 0 ...