Note: The LIKE operator is case sensitive, if you want to do a case insensitive search, use the ILIKE operator instead.Example Return all customers with a name that contains the letter 'A' or 'a': SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_name ILIKE '%A%'; Run Example » ...
Like Operator is case-insensitive by default, to make it case sensitive, we can use BINARY keyword. LIKE operator has 4 wild cards, which we can use with LIKE operator to specify the filter. The wild cards are: %,_,[] and -.
Case Insensitive SQL LIKE Operator Once thing you will notice about the LIKE operator is that it is case sensitive. This means that the values without a similar casing are considered not equal. To perform a case-insensitive comparison, you can use the opposite of the LIKE operator which is c...
The GLOB operator is similar to LIKE but uses the Unix file globbing syntax for its wildcards. Also, GLOB is case sensitive, unlike LIKE. Both GLOB and LIKE may be preceded by the NOT keyword to invert the sense of the test. The infix GLOB operator is implemented by calling the function...
Another factor to consider is case sensitivity. TheLIKEoperator is case-insensitive by default, but it can be made case-sensitive by using theBINARYkeyword. On the other hand, theREGEXPoperator is case-sensitive by default, but it can be made case-insensitive by using theREGEXP BINARYorREGEX...
In PostgreSQL, the LIKE operator is used to match text values against a pattern using wildcard characters and filter out data based on that. If a match occurs, the LIKE operator returns TRUE. The LIKE operator does a case-sensitive search. ...
With Like operator, we can check if a string begins with a specific text, includes it, etc. By default, theLikeoperator compares characters using the Binary method. This means that the operator is case-sensitive. If you want to make it case-insensitive, you need to putOption Compare Text...
Use theNOT LIKEoperator to negate theLIKEoperator. Use the%wildcard to match zero or more characters. Use the_wildcard to match a single character. Use theESCAPEoption to specify the escape character. Use theILIKEoperator to match data case-insensitively. ...
SIMILAR TO operator matches strings with SQL standard regular expressions. Performs case-sensitive pattern matching for entire string. Computationally expensive, use LIKE when possible. Supports metacharacters, escape metacharacters in pattern. Find strings containing specific characters. April 12, 2024 Discov...
LIKEis not case sensitive. ‘Batman’ and ‘Man of Steel’ will both appear in the result of the query above. Edit the query so that it selects all the information about the movie titles thatbeginwith the word ‘The’. SELECT *