[Java JPA] @Query - LIKE operator @RepositorypublicinterfaceProductRepository extends CrudRepository<Product, Integer>{ @Query("select p from Product p where p.name like %:name%")publicList<Product> searchByName(@Param("name") String name); }...
}if(operator == OPERATION.NOT_EQ) {return0.9; }if(operator == OPERATION.IS_NULL) {return0.1; }if(operator == OPERATION.IS_NOT_NULL) {return0.9; }if(operator == OPERATION.LIKE) {return0.9; }if(operator == OPERATION.IN) {return0.2; }return0.5; }...
This program Demonstrates how to use LIKE operator in Jet SQL Query (uses DAO).点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 MATLAB车牌识别技术实现实现技术实现面板GUI.zip 2024-12-18 03:19:51 积分:1 使用Python检索上海证券交易所上市公司的信息,下载深圳证券交易所的上市公司 2024-12-18...
IN操作符03. NOT操作符04.下一篇:[用通配符进行过滤]() 组合WHERE子句以建立功能更强的更高级的搜索条件。 01. 组合WHERE子句为了进行更强的过滤控制,MySQL允许给出多个WHERE子句,这些子句可以两种方式使用:以AND子句的方式或OR子句的方式使用。操作符(operator): 用来联结或改变WHERE子句中的子句的关键字 mysql ...
开发者ID:ExtaSoft,项目名称:extacrm,代码行数:14,代码来源:LeadEditForm.java 示例3: visit ▲点赞 2▼ importcom.vaadin.data.util.filter.Like;//导入依赖的package包/类publicObjectvisit(Operation<?> expr, @Nullable Void context){ Operator<?> op = expr.getOperator();if(op == Ops.OR) {ret...
The LIKE operator compares a character, string, or CLOB value to a pattern. It returns TRUE if the value matches the pattern and FALSE if it does not. The pattern can include the two wildcard characters underscore (_) and percent sign (%). ...
classILikeOperator A class representing the case-insensitive "ilike" operator. Fields incom.tangosol.coherence.dslquery.operatordeclared asLikeOperator Modifier and TypeFieldDescription staticLikeOperatorLikeOperator.INSTANCE An instance of the LikeOperator....