“Like Nastya”自推出以来,便以其丰富的内容和独特的魅力吸引了全球孩子的目光。节目已经在全球在线播放超过2070亿次,拥有超过3.5亿的忠实粉丝,这足以证明其在少儿节目领域的巨大影响力。在YouTube的少儿创作者中,它更是连续7年稳居全球观看数TOP3,成为了名副其实的少儿节目佼佼者。 二、节...
像娜斯佳(like nastya)个人资料,twitter-Instagram,就像 Nastya 是俄罗斯的 YouTuber。同样,Like Nastya 因其对儿童友好的内容和在她的 YouTube 频道上观看有趣的视频而闻名。 个人资料 早年生活和童年 像 Nastya 的真名是 Anastasia Radzinskaya。此外,她也被称
据《福布斯》报道,主持YouTube频道“Like Nastya” 的俄罗斯女孩阿纳斯塔西娅拉德金斯卡娅,是世界上收入最高的十位博主之一。据悉,拉德金斯卡娅的频道叫做“喜欢娜塔莎”(Like Nastya)。拉德金斯卡娅于2014年出生,但她一出生就被医生诊断为脑瘫,医生称,她以后也许即不能正常行走,更不能开口说话。然而,父母没有...
Prolific Russian social media starlet who has risen to fame for her Like Nastya YouTube content. Her kid-friendly vlogging with toy reviews, challenges, and personal adventures have helped her channel earn more than 10.2 billion views. She has been featured in Forbes Russia. Before Fame Her ...
Nastya, who at birth was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (which inspired her first YouTube video and has since significantly improved), and her family will be donating a portion of proceeds from her NFT collection to the Cerebral Palsy Foundation. ...
YouTube Diana - Little Princess 小公主戴安娜TV show动画 综合 动画短片 YOUTUBE 战斗民族 儿童 MV 俄罗斯 短片 Like Nastya 小公主戴安娜 娜塔莎评论7 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 这个世界需要正义123 感恩up搬运 2022-04-20 11:253回复 UP主觉得很赞 咕噜咕噜熊猫 2022-04-28 16:50...
大家听说过Like Nastya吗?这位年仅8岁的俄裔美国女孩是油管最知名的小孩儿,她在社交媒体平台上已经拥有3亿粉丝!本周六,她将与经纪人首次出席在迪拜举行的「1 Billion Followers Summit」(10亿粉丝峰会),与现场观众见面,我将主持她的访谈—“一个8岁孩子从0到3亿的旅程”。
这款官方游戏的主角是 Nastya 她是YouTube 上热门儿童视频博客 Like Nastya 的明星 世界各地的儿童都在关注它 游戏亮点 作为父母,我们的目标是创造一个美丽、有教育意义、有趣且最重要的多类型游戏 让Nastya、她的父亲和他们最喜欢的猫搞怪 (Funny) 发现自己置身于冒险世界 ...
Lots of fun videos for kids to watch, including all episodes of the Like Nastya show and even Nastya's videos you can't find on YouTube. • Learning and Development: Our selection of games for toddlers can help your child enhance their creative skills, agility, reaction time, and logical...
Introducing the official app of the popular YouTube channel Like Nastya! Dive into a world of fun and learning with games and videos featuring Nastya, her parents, and friends. From counting and mastering the alphabet to coloring, puzzles, and educational games, kids aged 2 to 10 will find ...