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Genesis 1:26). It is scarcely likely that Jehovah alludes to the words of the tempter (Genesis 3:5). To know good and evil. Implying an acquaintance with good and evil which did not belong to him in the state of innocence. The language seems to hint that a one-sided acquaintance ...
Joseph's position in Egypt allowed him to save not only his family but also many others during a severe famine. This act of preservation is a type of Christ, who came to save humanity from spiritual death. It also fulfills God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3, that through his ...
sleep in, sleep late - sleep later than usual or customary; "On Sundays, I sleep in" live in, sleep in - live in the house where one works; "our babysitter lives in, as it is too far to commute for her" sleep out, live out - work in a house where one does not live; "our...
5QMe(2) inhibits not only nucleation of YAQ(12)A but also fibril extension, as shown by the fact that it also inhibits seeded fibril growth where the nucleation steps are bypassed. 5QMe(2) acts on its targets only when they are in the PPII-like conformation, but not after they undergo...
but I think with Genesis the role of the concept cars has been very important from the beginning. We’ve had a very consistent concept car reveal that happens pretty much once a year, and of course it really has helped to create this emotional desirability in our design. It’s...
filaments due to electrostatic interactions, whereas the polar uncharged amino acids retained the nanorods to varying degrees. The co-assembly conditions are summarized in Supplementary Table1. As Fmoc–F–F (His) showed the greatest degree of fibrillogenesis, it was used for the following ...
resulting in the imidic form of Asn30. It was interesting to observe that the N atom of the imidic Asn is better poised for nucleophillic attack than the Michaelis complex with Asn30in the amide form. In particular, the NAsn-C1-O1 angle in the imidic Asn increases by ≈ 15° (from...
Original, daily devotionals, inspiration and more from a fresh, "Hey! I never thought about it like that before" perspective.
(See Genesis 25:30,) All over like an hairy garment.--Heb., all of him--that is, completely--like a garment of hair: words rendered "a rough garment" in Zechariah 13:4, where it is used of the jacket of sheepskin worn by the prophets. It appears, therefore, that Esau's body ...