Looking to create hilarious memes that will make your friends laugh out loud? Look no further than Memeish! Our easy-to-use meme maker app is perfect for anyone…
Classes for typically 'RPGish' things such asSmartRichTextlabel,SceneEvent,Character, etc. General classes such for making games such asMovement2D,ResourceMap,Menu,SpriteSheet. Core classes for handling several aspects of your game such as Audio, Progression and Save/Load. ...
But he is, he insists, the people’s otter: He went to the public University of Manchester and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, after boarding at Harrow for secondary school—which, okay, is possibly a ...
We read a story that at times is too ridiculous to be real: with lavish banquets and harems of beautiful women… a buffoonish king, a cartoonish villain, and a secretly Jew-ish queen who manages to speak up and save her people from destruction. Purim is mostly designed to shake our sill...
In one of our special “2x” episodes of 16 Minutes (32ish minutes;) — our show where we quickly cover the headlines and tech trends, offering analysis, frameworks, explainers, and more — we cover the algorithm that powers TikTok, the short video-sharing platform that grabbed massive ...
“fabulist,” but no names or further details are given, and I’m too tired to research. As it stands, for meThe Dragon’s Villageis a valuable primary-ish source for a very singular moment in history. When I decided to really sit down and finish the book, I assumed I would toss ...
if it would go on to find the kind of mainstream (American) success that shows likeÉlite(Spain),Dark(Germany) andWarrior Nun(Italy-ish) had previously managed to secure, or if it would end up being more of a hidden foreign language gem, à laNinguém Tá Olhando(Brazil),Vampires(Franc...
The thought is not original, but a good friend sent me an internet meme one day that put words to this idea that your energy attracts others with your energy. The meme read: “You’re vibe attracts your tribe.” I think of a tribe as individuals that share a common energy that usually...
Because they tried meme theory out on their friends. Because they both dislike Priya. Because they kissed and it was "fascinating." Because she taught him how to massage his own shoulders. Because Amy considers him as her kinda sorta boyfriend. Because he is her he...
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