本视频由嘉驰英语提供,视频内容为:「每日英语」Like father like son 有其父必有其子 英语情景对话 生活英语 亲子英文 +小助手,有127人点赞,6702次播放,8人对此视频发表评论。度小视是由百度团队打造的有趣有收获的专业小视频平台。
" And the son said, "Yes, yes, just this morning, she taught us, 'Like father, like son.'"有其⽗必有其⼦ ⼀个⼩孩拿成绩单回家,他是班上成绩最差的⼀个。他的爸爸看了成绩单以后⾮常⽣⽓,责骂他说:「你的功课⽼是殿后!你看邻居的⼩孩,总是得第⼀名,你却每次都拿...
即使是在没有光照的情况下,杰森也从来没有迷路过。帝国北方人世世代代都在这片土地上狩猎,荒野小径的图景早已深深铭刻在了他的脑海里,根深蒂固。 “孩子,在这里你一定要时刻保持谨慎。”杰森对他的儿子告诫道,“当夜晚来临,哥布林们就是充斥在这片原野。并且会对每一个误入他们领地的孩子,尤其是你这样的,进行...
英语课文like father like son 以下是《like father like son》的英语课文内容: The living room. Friday night. A table and two chairs at front centre. Grandfather and Father, seated at the table, are playing chess.Grandfather: And...I win!(Son enters room.)Father: Not again! Oh look, here...
Like Father, Like Son: Directed by Jack Murnin. With Alex Wood, Casey Piotrowski, Daniela Leon, Jake Davidson. A meeting between an adult son and his long-absent father takes a dark turn through an abrupt proposition.
Father:Sure! You know you can always turn to your dad for a chat.父亲:当然!你随时都可以找你老爸聊天啊。Son:OK. Here it is. I’ve decided not to go to university. I want to focus on my band and have a career in music when I leave school.儿子:好吧。是这样,我决定不上大学了...
《Like Father Like Son》是一篇英语课文,讲述了一个关于父亲和儿子的故事。这个故事展示了一个父亲对自己儿子潜在才能的发现和培养,以及最终实现自我价值的故事。以下是对这篇课文的详细解读。 这篇课文以一个父亲和儿子之间的对话开始。父亲是一个学校的体育教练,他的儿子诺亚是他的学生。在对话中,父亲询问儿子是否...
Son: Papa, what's the meaning of " Like father, like son"? Father: Bastard. What another scandalous thing have you done in the school? 儿子:爸爸,“有其父必有其子”是什么意思呀? 父亲:狗崽子,你在学校又干什么见不得人的事啦?相关热点: 英语笑话 六级听力场景词汇相关阅读...
Like Father,Like Son Like Father,Like Son Lu Tianming is a prominent novelist best known for his latest fiction works focused on the subject of government anti-corruption campaigns. Working at a national center for creating television dramas since the 1980s, he has become a very successful ...