Make your students practice like, love, don’t like, hate. Give a card to each student and ask them to make sentences using the information given. One check mark= like, two check marks =love, the same happends with the crossesLevel...
Add new metrics, which in our case are Likes and dislikes Add a new dimension, which in our case is months of the year Click on Create Chart, as shown below.Check out our chart below.Source:chartexpo.comLet’s tell a story using this chart.September...
Resource type: Worksheet/Activity File previews pdf, 9.14 MB This 13-page resource contains 7 pictures by modern and impressionist artists and 6 vocabulary exercises. Each picture is accompanied by 10-15 questions to encourage speaking. The resourse is appropriate for Russian GCSE (my home subtop...
Do the“Colorlots of fruit” worksheet. Give out the worksheet to each student. Have everyone colorin the fruit pictures. Then model the task – hold up your worksheet and say “What fruit do you like?”. Circle the fruit you like, each time saying “I like (apples), etc.”. Then ...
dislikes(e.g.A:Ilovefrogs.B:Idon’t.)pageT112),oneforeachgroup,plusfourdifferentcoloured ●Pairscanperformdialoguestotheclass.countersandacoin. ●Collectthematerialsatoftheactivity.●Explainthegame.Pupilstaketurnstospinthecoin.Ifthecoinlands on‘heads’theymoveonespace,ifitis‘tails’theymovetwo.They ...
Do the“Colorlots of fruit” worksheet. Give out the worksheet to each student. Have everyone colorin the fruit pictures. Then model the task – hold up your worksheet and say “What fruit do you like?”. Circle the fruit you like, each time saying “I like (apples), etc.”. Then ...
1. To use the new words and sentences to express likes and dislikes. 2. To pay attention to the plural forms of nouns. 3. To enable Ss to work and cooperate in groups skillfully. . Teaching and Learning Methods. As we all know 7、: the main instructional aims of learning English in...
Do the “Color lots of fruit” worksheet. Give out the worksheet to each student. Have everyone color in the fruit pictures. Then model the task – hold up your worksheet and say “What fruit do you like?”. Circle the fruit you like, each time saying “I like (apples), etc.”. ...