这里是wikipedia上的解释:In a rather unique instance of album marketing, the packaging on the first pressings of the CD, cassette, and LP of Like a Prayer were scented to simulate church incense, reportedly with Madonna's favorite scent, patchouli oil.[6] Also included was an in...
Thesaurus MedicalDictionary LegalDictionary FinancialDictionary Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia WikipediaEncyclopedia A A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close book(redirected from like a book)Also...
WikipediaEncyclopediaA A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close Cheshire cat(redirected from grinning like a Cheshire cat)Also found in: Idioms, Encyclopedia. Chesh′ire cat′ n. a cons...
the album spiraled upwards immediately. It really is required to read the lyrics and dig into the background material at least for a non-native English speaker. That being said, a lot of the references are still really hard to get for a foreigner. This is not the kind of album one wou...
Tallgrass prairie (Wikipedia) bravo! thanks🙇so we could see that the three diffenrent types of prairie resemble the three lyrics in Kyrie. But it is hard to translate because you need to explain what is a ...
Here’s a Wikipedia, which gives you a sense of what I’m talking about without showing the actual symbol I’m considering adapting.On this day in 1971 Jim went to join the heroes. Celebrate! 07/03/2023· 6 Comments· “People fear death even more than pain. It’s strange that ...
Childfree, says Wikipedia, refers to people who choose not to have children. Rachel Chrastil, author of the bookHow to Be Childless: A History and Philosophy of Life Without Children,wrote in anotherPsychology Today article, “I define someone as childless if they never had a biological child...
Endless trouble is what certain words can cause, especially in religious communities. The most famous example for modern-day Unitarian Universalists is the wordGod, but there are other contenders too, likeprayer, andthe holy. Coincidentally, the worship theme at Throop Church for the month of Ap...
Worse still, trusted outlets like Wikipedia are littered with lies, omissions and manipulations of facts. And the gestapo that runs such outlets are precluding respected agencies like the ADL from helping to correct the widening morass of misinformation. It can’t get worse than what happened 10/...
分享71赞 musica吧 秋风白云 英国摇滚乐队Led Zeppelin及美国蓝草天后Alison Krausshttp://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%BD%90%E6%9F%8F%E6%9E%97%E9%A3%9(%E4%B9%90%E5%9B%A2) 齐柏林飞船(Led Zeppelin)是一支英国的摇滚乐团。此乐团在硬摇滚和重金属的发展过程中占有相当重要的地位,同时齐柏林飞船也是...