Welcome to IGN’s walkthrough for Yakuza: Like a Dragon. This section coversChapter 11: The Odds. While this cutscene-filled chapter is relatively short, it does have some important story beats involving the Ryo Aoki, formerly known as the Young Master. ...
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii - Did you miss these Unlocks and Upgrades? 0:30 Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii - Official Accolades Trailer 30:53 Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii | Chapter 5 (Part 1) | Gameplay Walkthrough 42:02 Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in...
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii goes with a “less is more” approach to its maritime warfare sections. My ship had a few methods of destroying enemy vessels the port side of my pirate ship was donned with short-range flamethrowers that could deal...
It's hard to walk a single block in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth without some sparkly object or briefcase on the side of the road catching your eye. Usually, these are just simple recovery items or crafting materials, but the real thing to keep your eye out for is the safes. These ...
a在那里,我突破了人类在大海中的压力的极限,竟可以在海中自由的走动,而且不受到水的阻力,我不是一个普通的人,而是海洋世界的救世主。 In there, I broke through humanity's in sea pressure limit, may unexpectedly in the sea free taking a walk, moreover does not receive the water the resistance, ...
A STAR TOO FARWhat’s the best game that we’d give a kicking? NO LIELies of P gets November patch, DLC, and sequel plans NO LIES HERELies of P's own developers might have accidentally confirmed DLC is on the way DON'T HOLD ME DOWNLies of P isn’t as brilliant as Bloodborne, ...