1阅读理解process.Despite becoming disabled at a very young age, Li Juhong"I just did what I felt I had to do," she told the localsomehow managed to fufill her dream of becoming a doctor.media. "Even if I'm not honored for my work, I would stillThe 41-year-old has been treating ...
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Despite having had her legs amputated(切断) at avery young age, Li Juhong somehow managed to fulfillher dream of becoming a doctor. The 41-year-old hasbeen treating patients for the past 19 years in herhometown of Wadian Village, in southwest China'sChongqing Province.Li was only four year...
李菊红心理 我愿意和你在人性深处相遇,找回自己的力量。 关注 知乎影响力 获得383 次赞同 · 128 次喜欢 · 450 次收藏 已更内容 · 26 孩子胆小怎么办? 文|李菊红 1. 有不少家长因为孩子的胆小的而忧虑,一方面是担心孩子胆小不能自保;另一方面是担心孩子胆小不能展现自己,会在竞争失去机会。 这些担心都...
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听花有声 评论: 画的力量 文:李菊红 微信公众号:听花有声(ljhthys) 我手里捧着的不仅仅是一本装帧精美的书,更是一本精美的画册。裸脊的装订,高级的用纸,让我体会到了一种精致的美。后浪出版的《画的力量》这本书里收集了80多幅...用自体心理学...