当远距离的激发事件(cataclysmic event )产生的引力波,比如双黑洞merging,到达LIGO detector(探测器),时空(space-time)的律动的拉伸(rhythmic stretching and squeezing)会引起探测器管道(pipe)阶段性的变化(变长变短): 那么结果就是,recombined的beams就不会再互相抵消(cancel out): 相对的,一种脉冲信号的迹象会被...
We argue the sensors' importance for vetoes of false positive detections, report estimates of the noise sources' contributions to the detector background, and discuss the ways in which environmental coupling should be reduced in the LIGO upgrade, Advanced LIGO....
当远距离的激发事件(cataclysmic event )产生的引力波,比如双黑洞merging,到达LIGO detector(探测器)...
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- The executive director of the gravitational wave detector LIGO on Monday hailed the first detection of such a signal as well as light from the same cosmic event as opening the door to an "entirely new kind of astronomy" and said that China could play an ...
detector; it's a global collaboration. Thousands of scientists from around the world work together, analyzing data, refining the instruments, and pushing the boundaries of our knowledge. This collaborative spirit fuels innovation and ensures that LIGO remains at the forefront of gravitational-wave ...
But how can this hypothesis be tested? We need to boost the resolution of a gravitational wave detector-type of kit. Enter the “Holometer.” Currently under construction in Fermilab, the Holometer (meaningholographic interferometer) will delve deep into this quantum realm at smaller scales than ...
LIGO:Initiating AdvancedDetector Era GravitationalWave Astrophysics LIGO: Initiating AdvancedDetector Era GravitationalWave Astrophysics Albert Lazzarini Deputy Director, LIGO Laboratory California Institute LIGOScientific Collaboration 13 October 2014 Eastern Forum Technology(EFST) Shanghai, China Albert Lazzarini ...
Advanced LIGO is a second-generation gravitational-wave detector consisting of the two identical interferometers in Hanford and Livingston, and uses precision laser interferometry to detect gravitational waves. Beginning operating in September 2015, Advanced LIGO has conducted two observing runs. The second...
Fundamental quantum interferometry bound for the squeezed-light-enhanced gravitational-wave detector GEO600 The fundamental quantum interferometry bound limits the sensitivity of an interferometer for a given total rate of photons and for a given decoherence rate... R Demkowicz-Dobrzański,K Banaszek,R...
wave signal every two to three days. LIGO is the lynchpin of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration—a partnership with the world’s other two gravitational wave observatories: Virgo in Italy and KAGRA in Japan. The construction of a third LIGO detector in India has also recently been approved. ...