【Zinc Search engine. A lightweight alternative to Elasticsearch written in Go】https:///github.com/prabhatsharma/zinc Zinc 搜索引擎。 用 #Go# 编写的 Elasticsearch 的轻量级替代品。
It is a lightweight alternative to Elasticsearch and runs using a fraction of the resources. It uses bluge as the underlying indexing library. It is very simple and easy to operate as opposed to Elasticsearch which requires a couple dozen knobs to understand and tune which you can get up ...
It is a lightweight alternative to Elasticsearch and runs using a fraction of the resources. It uses bluge as the underlying indexing library. It is very simple and easy to operate as opposed to Elasticsearch which requires a couple dozen knobs to understand and tune which you can get up ...
riku 写道 "如果你是 Linux 及 Windows 的双料用户,而且是深度 CLI 控的话,可能会像我一样在用 Win 的时候会不知不觉间输入一些 Linux 的命令, 当然这肯定无法执行的。现在,有一个名为 Gow 的工具包就可以发挥作用了。 Gow 是一个相当于 Cygwin 的轻量级替代品,里面封装了130 多个的开源工具及 Linux 命...
How to Install Filebeat on Linux environment? If you have any of below questions then you are at right place: Getting Started With Filebeat A Filebeat Tutorial:Getting Started Install, Configure, and Use FileBeat – Elasticsearch Filebeat setup and configuration example ...
It is a lightweight alternative to Elasticsearch and runs using a fraction of the resources. It uses bluge as the underlying indexing library. It is very simple and easy to operate as opposed to Elasticsearch which requires a couple dozen knobs to understand and tune which you can get up ...
It is a lightweight alternative to Elasticsearch and runs using a fraction of the resources. It uses bluge as the underlying indexing library. It is very simple and easy to operate as opposed to Elasticsearch which requires a couple dozen knobs to understand and tune which you can get up ...
It is a lightweight alternative to Elasticsearch and runs using a fraction of the resources. It uses bluge as the underlying indexing library. It is very simple and easy to operate as opposed to Elasticsearch which requires a couple dozen knobs to understand and tune which you can get up ...
It is a lightweight alternative to elasticsearch and runs in less than 100 MB of RAM. It uses bluge as the underlying indexing library. It is very simple and easy to operate as opposed to elasticsearch which requires a couple dozen knobs to understand and tune. It is a drop-in ...
It is a lightweight alternative to Elasticsearch and runs using a fraction of the resources. It uses bluge as the underlying indexing library. It is very simple and easy to operate as opposed to Elasticsearch which requires a couple dozen knobs to understand and tune. It is a drop-in ...