Free Snipping Tool7.6 Enhance screen captures with advanced sharing options and editing tools iTop Screen Recorder4.0.0.641 Versatile screen recording tool with integrated video editing, no watermark option, and unlimited recording time Filmora Scrn2.0.1 ...
If you are looking for agood program to take screenshots, Lightshot will not disappoint you. This free tool is not only lightweight and intuitive, but it also comes with awide range of featuresso that you can always make the perfect capture. Its multiple editing options, as well as its c...
Here’s how to disable Windows from using the PrintScreen key for the Snipping Tool: Step 1: Press the Windows key + I to open the Settings app. Step 2: Click on the Accessibility option. Step 3: Scroll down to the Interaction section. Click on the Keyboard option. Step 4: Disable ...