The Camera Raw update is only used by Photoshop. Lightroom has its own version of this built in to the program. My version of LR CC 2015.10.1 is numbered 1117303, so you don't seem to have the latest update of LR. Use the CC Desktop to update it. PS I'm ...
Adobe发布Lightroom1.4.1和CameraRaw4.4.1升级 http://.yunyoubar/邮件群发 Adobe刚刚发布了Lightroom1.4.1和CameraRaw4.4.1升级,包括Windows和 Mac两种系统的版本。上个月初Adobe曾经发布了Lightroom1.4,但是随后发现了重大bug,包括时间戳漏洞,转换文件为DNG格式的时候也会发生错误。以及转换Olympus相机拍摄的 JPEG...
Solved: I'm unable to update CC Lightroom & Camera Raw, show everything up to date, but says 204 days ago- currently have CR 9.8, Lightroom 2015.8 Need update - 9348938
DCP的简称叫 DNG camera profile,其实就是DNG协议的一部分。原先是给ACR处理RAW的,而ACR是PS/Lightr...
Adobe Camera RAW (ACR) Adobe Camera Raw gains the ability to adjust curves for local selections and has added the ability to mask and refine adjustments directly in ACR. These adjustments will be “coming to Lightroom in the near future.” ...
Adobetoday announceda “massive update” to its Camera Profiles feature. It’s now simply known as Profiles, and the way they’re accessed has been redesigned. In Lightroom Classic and Adobe Camera Raw, profiles have been moved from the Camera Calibration panel to the Basic Panel. The...
Edit with AI Focus on the moment. Instantly add a blur effect with new and improved Lens Blur, powered by AI. New presets make it easy to highlight your subject and blur out the rest. Explore Lightroom features. Create a custom blur. ...
/Users/[使用者名稱]/Library/Caches/Adobe Camera Raw 2/ /Users/[使用者名稱]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/ /Users/[使用者名稱]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/ /Users/[使用者名稱]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/ ...
(Windows) 用户\[用户名]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\GPU\Adobe Lightroom\Camera Raw GPU Config.txt 在macOS X 10.7 及更高版本中,用户的“资源库”文件夹默认处于隐藏状态。使用此处的说明。 手动删除Camera Raw GPU Config.txt文件。 重新启动 Lightroom。
SelectingShow serial numberwill allow you to specify different settings for multiple cameras of the same camera model based on the serial number. Set-up and manage raw default settings Note: Raw default settings made prior to version 9.2 will not be migrated when you update to Lightroom Classic...