可以,除 Mac 版和 PC 版的 Lightroom Classic CC 外,您还可以获得适用于各种移动设备的 Lightroom CC,包括 iPhone、iPad 和 Android 手机。了解有关移动设备上的 Lightroom CC 的详细信息。您可以随时在桌面或移动设备上编辑和组织照片。您所做的任何调整都会在所有设备之间无缝更新。您还可以通过 Web 画廊共享...
1、下载数据包然后解压双击“Set-up.exe”等待安装结束并关闭即可(安装前请断开网络) 2、安装完成后将数据包里crack文件夹下的破解补丁复制到C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic CC目录下替换原文件即可 方法二 1、安装软件(ACC在线安装或者安装离线包)建议安装到默认C盘 2、然后打开Adobe CC 2019 Ze...
Lightroom CC works on iOS or Android, but I am on a Mac and use an iPhone6 and iPad Pro. Download uploaded http://uploaded.net/file/b3c2zfce/Lightroom%20Mobile%20Sync%20%26%20Instagram.part1.rar http://uploaded.net/file/gpyvh5fy/Lightroom%20Mobile%20Sync%20%26%20Instagram.part2....
Better use some crack techniques which is best for editing just keep your internet off during editing for privacy and another thing is that if you delete you can't add it back and you can't login with your ID. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Corre...
IT IS definitely an issue with Lightroom but I cannot crack it. I know many people have this issue but someone is always trying to come and explain why things looks different on different devices, and that the application they are using and not colour profiled and all ...
Better use some crack techniques which is best for editing just keep your internet off during editing for privacy and another thing is that if you delete you can't add it back and you can't login with your ID. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Correc...
I’ve switched to the beta 12.2 to see if the bug was still there (and yes), and also tried on an old iPad on 11.3 (and yes, also). So I’ll do what you ask from a 12.2 beta device... Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Mohamad...
Better use some crack techniques which is best for editing just keep your internet off during editing for privacy and another thing is that if you delete you can't add it back and you can't login with your ID. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Correct...
Better use some crack techniques which is best for editing just keep your internet off during editing for privacy and another thing is that if you delete you can't add it back and you can't login with your ID. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Follow...