How to move lightroom catalogue to laptop, leave photo files on external drive? jdowler Community Beginner , Jun 18, 2021 Copy link to clipboard Hi all - I understand the benefits of having my catalogue on my Macbook Pro laptop and edit using smar...
Transferring catalogue from Lightroom Classic CC - different apple uses richardm87689516 New Here , Dec 16, 2021 Copy link to clipboard Hi. I have had to create a new User on my iMac as my old one corrupted.I am now in the process of copying the digital i...
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I would never dare place my catalogue on an external disk. That puts you just one tiny cable glitch away from a corrupted catalogue, and it is slower than any internal disk. Lightroom writes all your editing opertions to the catalogue. It's the most write intensive part of the system,...
Do not worry If you do not have lightroom classic included in your plan, there is a free 7 days trial that you can use. -Free space on your computer: 2x times the size of your catalogue. For example, I had 350gb of photos so I...
The current Classic CC Lightroom versions installed are 5.7.1 and 7.0.1 respectively, both installed recently. I wish to use an external hard drive to hold photos and catalog and move between both machines. Having catalogued photo archive on 7.0.1 version it will not load on 5.7.1...
Lightroom Classic affiche toutes les photos du catalogue qui contiennent cette étiquette de mot-clé en mode Grille et dans le film fixe. Lightroom Classic ouvre également la barre Filtre de bibliothèque et affiche les critères de mots-clés de métadonnées. ...
It's 500gb. I already tried moving the whole catalogue to an external hard disk, but when i open Lightroom my latest pictures are all gone. Can somebody please help me how i could make it smaller or move it without the loss of the latest pictures....
For the record, I don't seem to have this problem either, checked with a few selected photos (as far back as as 1988) in my catalogue, all have their history (called "Protokoll" in my German Lightroom Classic). And I can select the various edit steps just...
The image files themselves are not "in" Lightroom Classic. From within Lightroom Classic you can move (drag and drop) the files anywhere you have a connected drive. You don't have to move them back to work on them. Your friend needs to do some study on how Lightroom ...