橢圓形選框區域代表濾鏡區域。 使用調整滑桿來建立所需的視覺變化。使用「羽化」滑桿來調整套用調整的漸層程度。 重複步驟 2 到 5,繼續新增或編輯濾鏡。 按一下「重設」以移除套用至影像的所有「放射狀濾鏡」。 「放射狀漸層」工具的鍵盤快速鍵與輔助按鍵 ...
按住Command/Control 键并在现有的调整中双击,从而扩展该调整以覆盖裁切的图像区域。 双击而不按 Cmd/Ctrl 键将确认并关闭径向渐变工具。 更多此类内容 应用局部调整 法律声明|在线隐私政策 共享此页面 链接已复制 此页面有用吗? 是,谢谢不是太有用
Init State: GPU for Image Processing supported by defaultUser Preference: GPU for Export enabled Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom ClassicLibrary Path: E:\LightroomCatalogAndBAK_II\Lightroom 5 Catalog-2-2-2-v13.lrcatSettings Folder: C:\Users\a\AppData\Roaming...
Init State: GPU for Export supported by defaultUser Preference: Auto Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom ClassicLibrary Path: C:\Users\laure\Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom Catalog-v13.lrcatSettings Folder: C:\Users\laure\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom Installed Plugins: 1)...
Lightroom Classic: Quality of Results One of the key strengths of the Develop mobile is its ability to let you make selective adjustments to Camera Raw files. For example, the Graduated filter lets you claw back more detail from over-exposed skies without altering a correctly-exposed landscape...
With just a few clicks, you can give your photos an Instagram-inspired look that’s perfect for social media. So download the Free Preset Insta Filter today and start sharing your amazing photos with the world!Agfa Ultra PresetThe Free Preset Agfa Ultra for Lightroom Classic will give you ...
The File Settings tab lets you choose the image format and quality, file size, and color space. Lightroom CC has similar settings. But the export panel is organized differently from Lightroom Classic. File Settings tab Best Formats to Export Photos The best image format for online posting is...
Autumn Preset adds a cozy, touch of fall in pictures by adding a warm temp, some clarity, and brown tones. It also decreases saturation and increases luminance in red, orange or yellow channels. This is the most accurate Autumn filter that you can use to get the most of the season’s ...
Style:Warm Radial Filter, Vibrant, Sharp, Saturated Cool Hues Sunny Daysis a free preset that focuses on the subject. It has a warm radial filter that applies what looks like a warm gleam of sunlight at the center of the image. It also produces appealingly vibrant tones and cool-toned ac...
7. Build Standard Size Previews on Import When you import your photos into Lightroom, you have a number of preview settings you can choose. Lightroom Classic CC has a new feature, where you can build “embedded & sidecar previews”. ...