When you are ready to move from Lightroom Classic to Lightroom, be sure to check outMigrate photos from Lightroom Classic to Lightroomfor more detailed instructions. Select Help > Provide Feedback and let us know how we can continue to improve the Lightroom service. ...
Get a feel for the new Lightroom. Here are a few key features in Lightroom that differ from Lightroom Classic. Lightroom automatically syncs your photos in their original format across devices. It also automatically tags your photos so you can easily find them later by typing words such as...
同时使用 Lightroom CC 和 Lightroom Classic! 13:32 【摄影相关系列】S376.《与摄像机同行》 09:06 【摄影相关系列】S377.这将改变你的街头摄影 11:00 【摄影相关系列】S378.变焦镜头会让你变懒 11:16 【摄影相关系列】S379.瞬间提升摄影构图水平 11:32 【摄影相关系列】S380.“摄影只是解决问题...
Lightroom Classic Lightroom 您偏好在哪裡處理數位攝影作品 只在桌上型電腦 桌面、行動裝置和網頁 原始相片位置 本機硬碟 雲端 檔案備份 未提供 自動 簡單易用 最全面 直覺、精簡 組織和相片搜尋 手動輸入關鍵字 自動標記和智慧搜尋 購買選項 Lightroom Classic 在 Lightroom 單一應用程式計劃、Creative Cloud 攝影計...
birmancat Community Beginner , Apr 11, 2024 Copy link to clipboard I have photoshop elements 2023. I also have Lightroom 6 Classic. I cannot get my Microsoft One Drive Cloud to move photos into Lightoom. (they don't play together well) Will putting my photos into PE2023, then putting ...
Make your photos look better than ever with powerful new features in Lightroom. Quick Actions instantly give you suggestions tailored to your photo so you can get the look you want. And with Generative Remove, it’s easy to clean up anything in a touch.Plans...
Jan 19, 2024 David Crewe Excire Software Adds AI Text Search to Adobe Lightroom Classic Excire Foto has announced the launch of its "Next-Gen AI" tool for Adobe Lightroom Classic with the release of Excire Search. This new $189 Plugin will let Adobe users bring Excire's advanced im...
Jeg har lige indstalleret Lightroom CC, er lidt i tvivl om ikke jeg synes Lightroom classic er bedre for mig. Når jeg går ind og ser på køb i dag, så ser det ud som om man frit kan vælge om det skal være CC eller Classic. Vil det stadig være den n...
【PS调色】2024最新最系统的调色实操教程,100个调色案例高清完整版干货教学,零基础1套彻底搞定调色! 1.3万 58 5:36 App 2021大疆无人机mini2【开箱评测】比手机还小巧便捷?5分钟带你全面了解DJI mini2选购指南【像素胶囊】 775 -- 3:42 App Mac版Lightroom Classic 2025v14.0.1中文版下载,免登录,不闪退,可...
Maaaaan, I've been using LR Classic for years. I admit that I mostly photograph normal people, meaning that they are not models, and they are mostly women, and that's why I have never been a pixel peeper and obsessed with sharpness and detail, so for my usual style of PP I hardly...