So the place on the ground where we see a bolt “strike” is the spot where the leader first makes contact with the surface. The leader moves down through the air in little jumps. It’s ultimately feeling its way toward the (usually) positive charge in the ground. However, it only “...
strike动— 击动 · 平衡动 · 打动 · 罢工动 · 撞动 · 鼓动 · 敲动 · 击中动 · 撞击动 · 打击动 · 猛烈攻击动 · (疾病) 爆发动 · 猛然意识到动 · 碰撞动 · 划(火柴)动 · 打动动 · 删去动 · 搢动 · 揘动 · 铿动 ...
While his speech is still limited, as is his short-term memory, Mason has already beaten the odds, a fact not lost on those who saw Mason’s lifeless body that day. Mason's family is relieved the teen is making a relatively fast recovery "If he can get through a lightning st...
lightning rod lightning strike lightning-rod lights 将“lightning"翻译成克罗地亚文 munja, grom, strijela是“lightning"到 克罗地亚文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Mckay figures he can harness the storm's lightning to fire up the shield. ↔ McKay misli da može zauzdati gromove i njima napuni...
1. Current and Voltage Distribution on a Line after a Strike 2. Arrester Behavior on a Line 3. Arrester Spacing Effects If you have ever wondered how often to apply arresters on a line to reduce outages, this Arresterfacts is for you. ...
What is the current during the strike? In a typical lightning strike, 2.5 C flows from the cloud to the ground in 0.20 ms. What is the current during the strike? Identify what is being described: A sudden spark when electrical charges jump between nearby clouds or parts...
If you've ever doubted the power of lightning, check out this video of what a recent strike did to a huge tree in the Wyoming wilderness. This video was taken near Afton, Wyoming. Look at the huge crack that the lightning etched in this huge tree. ...
1.Haveyoureadanythingaboutanaircrashbefore?2.Howdiditstrikeyou?‹#› Backgroundinformation(1)Urgentrescueofairplanecrash1.Aviationcontingencyismostpossibletohappen6minutesaftertakeoffand7minutesbeforelanding,whichiscalled"13terribleminutes".Statisticsshowsthat65%oftheaccidentshappenwithinthese13minutesinour...
the way her body moved, a display of feminine power, of beautiful lines and movement, almost like a dancer, yet clearly that of a fighter. She was deceptively delicate, so when wearing clothes, no one would ever see that beneath she would be deadly, a true assassin coiled to strike. ...
1. Current and Voltage Distribution on a Line after a Strike 2. Arrester Behavior on a Line 3. Arrester Spacing Effects If you have ever wondered how often to apply arresters on a line to reduce outages, this Arresterfacts is for you. ArresterFacts 029 Distribution System Responses to Lig...