anything that is made of metal such as a TV or a fridge because lightning can come into the house through wires (电线).When there is a thunderstorm outside, don't stand near the windows. Don't take a bath when there is a thunderstorm.Never use the phone during a thunderstorm because ...
1. The little girl is afraid of thunder and lightning. 这小女孩害怕雷声和闪电。 lightning 网络解释 1. 闪电术:闪电术(Lightning) 闪电术也是一种攻击性法术;它适合于用来对付有机敌人. 闪电术最大的缺点就是它的射击速度--非常非常慢,在激烈的战斗中常常派不上用场. 闪电术虽然不实用,但是却具备一种重...
The meaning of LIGHTNING is the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity; also : the discharge itself. How to use lightning in a sentence.
Analysis of the influence of electrode shapes on the behavior of air gaps, both with and without insulator strings between the electrodes, is completed through the use of switching impulse tests. Results of a similar analysis for lightning impulse tests are also described. An attempt is made to...
By utilizing the ADTD lightning observations,SWAN radar mosaics and CINRAD/SC Doppler radar data of Chengdu,an analysis is made of the characteristics of and relationship between CG(cloud-toground)lightning,strong precipitation and radar echoes of 100cases in the 12regional heavy rainfall events in ...
Mother is all of a flutter because ofthunder and lightning. 由于电闪雷鸣,妈妈感到十分不安. 互联网 The weather changed, and a storm ofthunder and lightningensued. 天气突变, 来了一场雷电交加的暴雨. 互联网 There was a heavy storm withthunder and lightning. ...
A.using matches is the easiest and most useful way to make fires B.people don’t use matches any more since they had electric fire starters there are only two ways to make fires D.some forest fires happen from lightning 小题5:Choose the right order of the ways to make fires ... electric fire starter is widely used B.people haven't used matches since they had electric fire starters there are only two ways to make fires D.some forest fires happen from lightning【小题5】Choose the right order of the ways to make fires people got to know.a. with a...
A long-life lightning protection fastener or the like to prevent explosion for aircrafts at low cost is provided, the fastener having a light weight, ensuring sufficient lightning protection, and having extremely less failures and high reliability. A ring-shaped ring member A made of resin is mou...
Triangles Technique for Time and Location Finding of the Lightning Discharge in Spherical Model of the Earth The spherical model of time and location calculation of the lightning discharge is given. The calculations are made by means of radio signals detection by ... A Lozbin,Y Shpadi,A Inch...