Lightning crotch is a strange symptom that happens in the last four to six weeks of pregnancy. It's characterized by shooting pains that originate in the crotch or groin area and possibly travel down the inner thigh, says Joyce Gottesfeld, M.D., OB-GYN for Kaiser Permanente in Denver. Wh...
I won’t name names, because that ALWAYS gets me in more trouble than it’s worth. I’ll just say that the same disappointing thought has occurred to me more than once recently as I’ve been sampling homoerotic wrestling new releases. This recurring thought is,Grabbing crotch does not make...
" She goes on to say haha I get it, but she really didn't find it funny. Then he proceeds to make a gesture near her crotch to verify his "joke". Jen is still angry about this one. Then after that later in the night he made a comment to my one roommate and two of our ...