通过记录页面,您可以根据用户的需求创建对象记录页面的自定义版本。自定义记录页面适用于 Lightning Experience 和 Salesforce 移动应用程序。 先从主页开始。 资源 Salesforce 帮助:Lightning 应用程序生成器 Salesforce 帮助:Lightning 页面 官方:Lightning 应用程序生成器 Trailblazer 社区...
Helper: General logic can be written in this component bundle used by different controller methods to avoid repetition Watch this Salesforce Lightning tutorial by Intellipaat. 10. How can we use Lightning components with Salesforce1 Mobile App? Lightning Components can be used with the Salesforce1...
One of the core concepts of Lightning is the ability for components to fire and handle event that occur when, for instance, a user clicks a button or the underlying data of a component changes. In this tutorial we’ll just concern ourselves with user generated events. Events add an interact...
Lightning Components continue to play a prominent role in the Salesforce ecosystem; however, Lightning Web Components are more advanced because they align closely with modern web standards, which makes for a more efficient building process. The guide below covers everything you need to know about L...
Aura Components in the UI Namespace Are Being Deprecated End of Support for Internet Explorer 11 in Lightning Experience Salesforce Spring 21 Release Date For the Spring‘21 Release, Salesforce will upgrade the preview instances to Spring‘21 on January 8 and January 9, 2021, and non-previe...
新的设计系统使得在一系列技术堆栈中构建符合Lightning的Salesforce应用程序变得简单易行。 Visualforce pages 通过远程对象或JavaScript远程访问来访问Salesforce数据。设计系统还不兼容<apex>标签,但请留意这个空间。 Lightning pages and components 可用于Salesforce1和Lightning Experience Mobile apps 通过Mobile SDK或其他...
Create an Apex controller and load your contacts. An Apex controller is the bridge that connects your components and your Salesforce data.
Components and Patterns Welcome Mat Popovers and Prompts Docked Assistant Tooltip Setup Assistant Empty States Trial Bar Support your User Engagement scenario with one or more of these patterns. Introduction Here at Salesforce, we use various engagement patterns to onboard, guide, assist, and educate...
Fire the events in your client-side controller or helper functions. The force events are handled by Lightning Experience and the Salesforce mobile app, but let’s view and test the components in Lightning Experience to simplify things.
与Salesforce互动 在Lightning Web Components中实现了使用异步JavaScript的若干功能。其中大多数围绕与服务器的交互。一个示例是可以在Lightning Web组件中强制调用Apex方法的方法。 考虑以下Apex类和方法: public with sharing class ContactController { @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) ...