Kinetic Light represents a significant leap forward in the world of stage lighting, combining the artistry of lighting design with the precision of mechanical engineering and the power of digital technology. Its ability to create dynamic, immersive, and interactive visual experiences has opened up new...
I have expanded and updated this article which Marty Goodman contributed to this site in 1997. He described technical aspects of electrical lighting for bicycles. I have taken the discussion backward to candles and kerosene lanterns, and forward to light-emitting diodes. I also discuss some politic...
FOOT-CANDLESAn non-SI unit of illuminance (or light) used in film, TV and architectural lighting industries. The unit is defined as the amount of illumination the inside surface of a 1-foot radius sphere would be receiving if there were a uniform point source of one candela in the exact ...
"We have evolved as a species under daylight during the day and the incandescent light at night in the form of fires and candles and then oil lamps and finally incandescent lighting," said Konstantinos Papamichael, co-director of the California Lighting Technology Center at the University of Cal...
With the advent of technology smart lighting control systems have enabled energy conservation and increased What Lights are Used in Cricket Field & Stadium? When we are finding the suitable cricket field lighting system, the first and foremost questions How to LED Replace Metal Halide or Halogen ...
Various valves and wheels controlled the flow of gas from the central point to each part of the stage, so that by using a team of people, complex lighting fades could be achieved, before the advent of electricity for lighting. According to Richard Pilbrow (Stage Lighting Design: The Art, ...