Using an emergent system concept in designing interactive games for autistic children This paper features the design process, the outcome, and preliminary tests of an interactive toy that expresses emergent behavior and can be used for behav... EI Barakova,GV Wanrooij,RV Limpt,... - ACM 被引...
Professor Olga Bogdashina says, “many autistic people confirm that bright lights and sunshine disturb them and often cause distortions.” For example, while visiting a school for children with autism, Architect David Helfrich of Mackey Mitchel Architects, witnessed a child collapse to the floor and...
Figure 4: Installation of low-glare luminaires in IT rooms and science labs for Thornleigh Salesian College limited screen glare, delivered uniformity and optimal spacing to prevent shadowing, and provided adequate lighting for detailed tasks. The light delivered from the opal polycarbonate diffuser, C...
Engaging Autistic Children in Imitation and Turn-Taking Games with Multiagent System of Interactive Lighting Blocks In this paper game scenarios that aim to establish elements of cooperative play such as imitation and turn taking between children with autism and a caregi... JCJ Brok,EI Barakova ...
Flicker is also thought to cause increased repetitive behavior in individuals with autism, however not enough research has been carried out to prove a causal effect. This change in behavior has been reported by carers who work with autistic children, who often take measures to minimize its effects...
Sensory Pillow Toys, Montessori Stuffed Animal Learning Toys, Exercise Baby Basic Life Skills, Airplane Activities Travel Toys on Plane for Autistic Toddler 1-3, Owl Add $17.99 current price $17.99 Sensory Pillow Toys, Montessori Stuffed Animal Learning Toys, Exercise Baby...