Un-assignedNo longer an ARLHS light USA 851 Hist - New Jersey 39° 51.0' N 075° 15.0' W Map FM29ju - - Miho Breakwater Northeast Head (Shizuoka) JPN 563 - - - 35° 1.0' N 138° 32.0' E Map PM95ga - - Miho Saki (Shizuoka) JPN 822 - - - 35° 1.0' N 138° 32.0' E ...
Semiahmoo USA 747 Hist - Washington 48° 59.5' N 122° 47.0' W Map CN88ox - - Semzha (White Sea) ERU 274 - - - 66° 9.0' N 044° 6.0' E Map LP26bd - - Senboku Breakwater Northeast Corner (Osaka) JPN 1928 - - - 34° 32.0' N 135° 23.0' E Map PM74qm - - ...
The YouTubevideo tour of Browns Point Lighthouse in Tacomashows the surrounding neighborhood in Tacoma. The lighthouse itself sits upon a profound point in the land with rocky beach on one side and sandy beaches on the other. On-site is a museum, keeper’s cottage, picnic area, and walkin...
Baccalieu Island Northeast CAN 671 Hist - Newfoundland and Labrador 48° 9.0' N 052° 48.0' W Map GN38od - - Baccalieu Island Southwest CAN 672 - - Newfoundland and Labrador 48° 6.0' N 052° 49.0' W Map GN38oc - - Baccaro Point CAN 015 Hist - Nova Scotia 43° 27.0' N 065° ...
Platte Rock JER 011 - - - 49° 10.0' N 002° 7.0' W Map IN89wd - 1 Plattsburg Beacon USA 603 Hist - New York - - - - - - Plattsburg Breakwater Northeast (New) (Lake Champlain) USA 1122 Hist - New York - - - - - - ...
Soils in Maine are classified as ashy gray, acidicspodosols. In southwestern Maine, soils were formed primarily from granite; coastal, central, and eastern soils are composed of shale, sand, and limestone. The soils ofAroostookcounty, in the northeast, which are among the most productive in th...