gamang, gayat, kepeningan是“lightheadedness"到 印度尼西亚文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Some people with high blood pressure report headaches (particularly at the back of the head and in the morning), as well as lightheadedness, vertigo, tinnitus (buzzing or hissing in the ears), altered ...
Blood Pressure Drop Might Cause LightheadednessDR. PAUL G. DONOHUE
Decreases in receptor responsiveness delay the normal heart and blood vessel responses to standing. Paradoxically, high blood pressure, which is more common among older adults, may contribute to poor receptor sensitivity, increasing vulnerability to dizziness wh...
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-Sodium trial (1998-1999) tested the effects of the DASH diet and sodium reduction on blood pressure (BP). Participants were randomly assigned to DASH or a typical Western diet (control). During either diet, participants ate three sodium levels...
Causes of low blood pressure and high heart rate Sore throat and headache How to cure a sore throat instantly Homeopathic remedy for sinus headache View more The Truth Behind Carotidynia or Fay syndrome: Is The Headache and Pain In Your Neck And Ears Just A Myth Causes of Nausea ...
lightheaded, and my heart has slowed down. I feel a pressure in my head and ears. My abdomen is still hard and swollen. I have a lot of back pain and labored breathing still as well. My only problematic bloodtests after 5 months of suffering are very high insulin(but normal sugar) ...
Dizziness andlightheadednessfrom a very fast heart rate and trouble keeping the blood pressure high enough when sitting or standing up. 眩晕和头晕,产生于非常快的心率,当坐起或站起时,很难保持足够高的血压。 ParaCrawl Corpus These include a headache within two to 12 hours of new altitude, trouble...
Calcium channel blockers are commonly used drugs to control blood pressure and heart rate. These drugs can significantly depress cardiac inotropy and chronotropy at high doses, with adverse effects. We present the case of a woman, recently started on diltiazem for hypertension, who presented with...
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)‐Sodium trial (1998‐1999) tested the effects of the DASH diet and sodium reduction on blood pressure (BP). Participants were randomly assigned to DASH or a typical Western diet (control). During either diet, participants ate three sodium ...
cannot tolerate starches at all OR fruit. I get all my carbs from veggies. And ALWAYS have protein with your carbs. The one gal that got relief from taken garlic pills, that is because they lower your blood sugar. Chromium picolinate does the same thing. When I eat a high protein meal...