Standing Up Too Quickly The medical name for this is orthostatic hypotension, also known aspostural hypotension. When you rise from sitting or lying down, blood may not reach your brain fast enough. You might feel lightheaded or dizzy. The feeling should pass in a few minutes. If not, it ...
Working out — particularly doing cardio — is designed to make your heart work harder than when at rest. To do that, you need to start a session gradually to slowly raise your heart rate. And you need to end your workout gradually, too, so your heart eases back to its normal pace. ...
Dizziness andlightheadednessfrom a very fast heart rate and trouble keeping the blood pressure high enough when sitting or standing up. 眩晕和头晕,产生于非常快的心率,当坐起或站起时,很难保持足够高的血压。 ParaCrawl Corpus These include a headache within two to 12 hours of new altitude, trouble...
Dear Dr. Roberts,I've been an avid endurance athlete for over five years. For a while now, if I stand up fast after sitting I feel lightheaded. Nothing that has caused me to faint or blackout but I have to pause. I have no shortness of breath or rapid he