The reason that we have two cut layers is that we want to make sure that the hole is cut before the overall shape is cut. Lightburn is very good at working out that the inside holes should be cut first, but this is a foolproof way to ensure it and also gives you some practice ...
At present the software we use to create our laser designs is literally in Chinese. I can make it out with my poor Mandarin, but it's basically useless to anyone else and I'm not going to invest any time in creating a tutorial for it. Ac...
If a feature has a shortcut, it will be shown next to it in the menu, as shown above. Learning the shortcuts for the features you use most often will make using LightBurn much faster, and sometimes there are even 'shorter' shortcuts - you can find these in the help menu under Help...
Download the free trial and test it for yourself. If your laser is not supported, sometimes it only takes a day or two to make the required changes to support a new board in these existing families. Download Trial Not sure where to start?
For every person who doesn't want us to make improvements to the software, there are 1000 grateful users who have requested new features. Please email if you need help. We also have a forum with a section on submitting new features open to all. PW Preben W...
The problem with the saved files could of course be the issue, but I thought it was strange that it happened when I took a file directly from Adobe illustrator, and not a saved lightburn file. If it was just the latter it would make more sence to me. image889×631 43.3 KB image274...
Most GCode-based lasers are pre-configured to work with LightBurn, but if you have a less common machine like a Shapeoko, EleksMaker, X-Carve, or Acro system, you might need to make some simple changes to get the most from LightBurn....
Hello everyone! I have an issue with lightburn that I cannot seem to fix. a few days ago my Sculpfun S9 would make a grinding noise whenever I am framing and would just frame incorrectly, I tried going through multiple s…
Couldn’t make any money at that rate. Now what? “Honey… I need a laser!” It wasn’t bad enough that I had just spent two grand. But which one? There were those Chinese K-40 types on eBay, but the beds were too dinky. What if I wanted to make something BIG?
Q: How to operate the machine? is training necessary?A: The laser engraving machine machine is mainly controlled by software. the use is very easy, not complicated. Before shipment, we will make a simple operation manual with pictures and provide user manual of software. Generally speaking, ...