The relaxation of bounds on the top squark and the scale-dependence of the strong coupling constant are also discussed.doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2003.07.035Zumin LuoJonathan L. RosnerElsevier B.V.Physics Letters BZ. Luo and J.L. Rosner, Heavy bottom squark mass in the light gluino and ...
We make use of heavy quark and chiral symmetries to constrain these constants, which are fitted to lattice QCD results both in the charm and the bottom sectors, and in this latter sector to the light-cone sum rule predictions close to q2=0 as well. We find a good simultaneous description...
It turns out that, when kinematically allowed, such heavy-light decays are powerful channels for discovering the G*. In particular, we present a parton-level Montecarlo analysis of the final state Wtb that follows from the decay of G* to one SM top or bottom quark plus its heavy partner....
the light gluino and light bottom squark scenario 1 Zumin Luo 2 and Jonathan L. Rosner 3 Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics University of Chicago, 5640 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637 Restrictive upper bounds on the heavy bottom squark mass when the gluino and one bottom...
The primary bottom-emission wavelength is longer than the primary top-emission wavelength. This difference in wavelength can be attributed to the substrate-induced Fano resonance effect. For resonance modes with shorter wavelengths, the radiation fraction directed back into the LEDs is largest in the ...
<float> x, <float> y: The 2D coordinates of the center of the detection frame in the viewport (each between -1 and 1, x from left to right and y from bottom to top), <float> s: the scale along the horizontal axis of the detection frame, between 0 and 1 (1 for the full widt...
16.1. Traditional wooden driver (top left); 2001 titanium-based alloy driver (top right) and section through traditional wooden driver (bottom) showing plastic insert in face (Jenkins, 2003). Commercially, pure titanium cannot be used for golf club heads because of its lower strength necessitating...
Therefore, we fixed the size of the tunnel (40 cm in length and 10 cm in diameter) and the position of the light source (located at a distance of 4 cm from the bottom of the tunnel). When the microflier was held at the height of 5 cm above the center of the tunnel’s...
._back-pos-[x] [x]: top, right, bottom, left, center Set the background position of an element.[x] is for top, right, bottom, left or center. ._back-repeat-[x] [x]: no y x Set the background repeat of an element.[x] is for repeat no, along the Y axis or along the ...
He obtained that the radial-circumferential Poisson's ratios were equal to 0.43, 0.14 and 0.12 for the bottom, middle and top portions of the culm, respectively. Hu et al. [30] investigated the effect of strain rate on mechanical properties of the bamboo material under quasi-static and ...