Light-emitting electronic devices are ubiquitous in key areas of current technology, such as data communications, solid-state lighting, displays, and optical interconnects. Controlling the spectrum of the emitted light electrically, by simply acting on the device bias conditions, is an important goal ...
f, Field-strength dependence of the dominant peak in the spectrum of the interband phase difference ∆θ(ω). g, Field-strength dependence of the bi-Higgs frequency sidebands at 2ωH,1 − ω0 follows the ∆θ(ω) behaviour in f, which identifies the importance of light-induced...
the phase information encoded in the spectrums under different illumination angles are synthesized together, and the volumetric refractive index can be obtained by transport of intensity diffraction tomography with high resolution and
Figure 5a shows the actual response spectrum of the entire SPI systems corresponding to different center wavelengths. The graph represents the system’s capability to distinguish between a full band of 400 nm to 700 nm. The relative optical transmittance of the system is about 8% to 38%. In ...
wavelength interval down to 5 nm, representing a 5-time improvement compared with the result when not using computational method. In an optical compartment of 200 μm by 200 μm by 450 μm from lens profile to the detector surface, the ultracompact spectrometer achieves broad spectrum ...
该文章以“A wideband, high-resolution vector spectrum analyzer for integrated photonics” 为题发表在国际光学顶级期刊Light: Science & Applications上。该研究工作得到了基金委、科技部2030项目、广东省以及中国博士后基金会的大力支持。深圳国际...
In turn, they can efficiently extend the emission of the device across the visible spectrum, create all the primary colors needed for display within a single device, or enable white LEDs by color mixing. Indeed, the majority of commercial white LEDs sold today consist of a blue GaN LED ...
The action spectrum for photoreactivation by enzymes from human leukocytes and fibroblasts extends from 300 to approximately 600 nm with a maximum near 400 nm. The ability of the human enzymes to utilize light of wavelengths greater than 500 nm suggested that yellow or gold lights conventionally us...
However, it is one of the few continuous spectrum light sources that is stable in the ultraviolet range. The deuterium lamp has a short emission wavelength of 400 nm, or less. The window material limits its use at the short wavelength end. Fig. 2 shows examples using synthetic quartz and ...
We extend the established transverse customization of light, in particular, amplitude, phase, and polarization modulation of the light field, and its analysis by the third, longitudinal spatial dimension, enabling the visualization of longitudinal structures in sub-wavelength (nm) range. To achieve thi...