Light: Science and Applications is an open access journal that publishes the highest quality articles in basic and applied optics and photonics.
本特刊由阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST)及国际顶尖光学期刊Light: Science & Applications合作推出,旨在展示KAUST近期在光电子学研究领域的最前沿进展。 KAUST成立于2009年,是中东科学卓越与创新的灯塔,位于沙特阿拉伯的Th...
EMP and other invisible damage. Nowadays, with the development of optical technology, liquid crystal materials with intelligent light protection function become more and more important. In the future, intelligent optical
eJournalPress is mission critical software providing online submission, review and tracking of manuscripts via the Internet. It was designed from the ground up to provide rock solid security, reliability and ease of use.
投稿信(必需)投稿信必须包含以下内容:(1) All authors agree with the submission;(2) The work has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, either completely or in part, or in another form or language;(3) If material has been reproduced from another source, the ...
《eLight》是卓越计划高起点新刊,作为国际顶尖光学期刊《Light: Science & Applications》的姐妹刊,由《Light: Science & Applications》原班编辑团队打造,仅接收最顶尖、具有重磅影响力的光学工作,致力于发掘、报道光学相关的新兴交叉学科,引领其发展。 《eLight》的创刊主编为美国发明院院士、加州大学洛杉矶分校校长教...
Prof. John Love accepted the invitation to be the topical editor of Light: Science & Applications LSA Editorial Meeting Held Successfully at CIOMP 2011 Announce the new journal: Light: Science & Applications --- Special Issue-Topological photonics and beyond: novel concepts and recent advances-wil...
郭宸孜,现为中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所(长春光机所)员工,任长春光机所 Light学术出版中心副总编、卓越计划高起点新刊《eLight》编辑部主任、卓越计划领军期刊《 Light: Science & Applications》(《Light》)责任编辑。曾获第三届全国科技期刊青年编辑大赛一等奖、中国科协优秀科技论文处理编辑表彰、中科院科...
Light: Advanced Manufacturing (LAM)是一本创新的、高质量、钻石开放获取的全免费英文期刊。该刊是Light: Science & Applications的姊妹刊,旨在发表所有现代光学与先进制造交叉领域的创新研究,包括基础、应用研究和工业创新。 期刊的特点: -钻石开放获取:免费出版 ...
eLight is a new flagship journal managed by the same team that creates and runs Light: Science & Applications (LSA). eLight aims to bring the groundbreaking & ...