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Here are 19 images, that portray a sense of harmony and balance through symmetry as a compositional technique. Posts navigation 12…215Older→ Get Photography Case Studies (It's Free) We deliver tutorials, case studies and news. Best Email:...
Using Lightroom on Two Computers How to keep your Lightroom catalog synchronized on your home computer and your travel laptop. 14 minute video GET ACCESSCreating a Lightroom Copyright Preset Protect your images by creating a copyright preset in Adobe Lightroom to automatically embed your data ...
Light trail images often feature lights created by cars. However, the lights in question don’t always have to come from speeding vehicles on a highway. They can also be as simple as a handheld flashlight or a sparkler. Now, this technique isn’t confined to any particular genre of photog...
Best for:Indoor and outdoor images of fall Style:Vintage, desaturated tones, warm temperature Autumn Vintage gives a tranquil effect on a bright autumn photo by increasing warm tones. It offers exceptional vintage look to any fall motif. This preset emphasizes the warmth in autumn by desaturation...
There is just too much that can go wrong, and you need to make sure you’re getting the shots. You might have the exposure wrong, your focus might be off, the action might be too fast for your shutter speed, and so on. You don’t want to get home and discover you were doing so...
I reread the post and I noticed a few things. The images in Lightroom don't look like anything in the camera. The images you see on a Canon LCD are basically developed Jpegs. I don't know how other manufacturers display them. That is why I use DPP Quick Check to pre-cull. DPP'...
Lights off the Image: Highlight Suppression for Single Texture-Rich Images in Optical Inspection Based on Wavelet Transform and Fusion StrategyIMAGE fusionOPTICAL imagesDATA miningA wavelet-transform-based highlight suppression method is presented, aiming at suppressing the highlights of single image with...
The objective of this paper was to propose a lightweight privacy-preserving system for the security of remote-sensing images based on visual cryptography. This stacking-to-see feature of visual cryptography enables the efficient encryption of big data such as high-resolution and multi-scale remote ...