Most people will make up some story that makes no sense, Religion is the reason why Sheep do not know what a Soul is, because, under an Oscilloscope used to display a Sinewave, our Brainwaves are the same as electricity, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, our Soul, and only Satan ...
If the Object moves to a new location: Where is it? There would not be a way to measure the difference of the new location to the original location. Did it move a Foot, a Mile, or a Light Year? There would also be no way to know if the Object is moving or is stationary. If ...
"That slid into my soul" [Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Ancient Mariner]"Come, sleep, O sleep, the certain knot of peace,""The baiting place of wit, the balm of woe" [Philip Sidney Astrophil and Stella]"to sleep: perchance to dream" [William Shakespeare Hamlet]"sleep the twin of death"...
Once you die, your soul is fed to this machine which makes you an Elemental. Such is the case with the two sisters' Nell and Seana. But what the prince did not know is that he caused their death and now the two Elementals are out for his blood and to save all of mankind. ...
It is the warp that moves, the ship moves within the warp and is carried along by it. Consequently, a starship has two velocities, one is the realized faster-than-light velocity; the other is the inherent normal space velocity... ... For maneuvering within a planetary system, inherent ve...
because myth can never be taken as fact. Oliveira calmly and deftly moves from location to location, just as Rosa Maria efficiently moves from story to story, never dabbling in one area for too long. Oliveira favors the long take, usually for several minutes at a time. He resists lingering...
elevation of the host orof the priest’s soul frequently appears as the opening illustration of the missal,16and the benediction of the church is often found at the beginning of the formu-lary for the dedication.The dedication of the church – one of the most complex and fascinating rit-...
In the optogenetics field, various opsin versions for enhanced signaling and better targeting are being developed constantly. The Feng group at MIT engineered Soul, an opsin that is sensitive to even low-level light (Gong et al., 2020). Using “Soul,” any mouse brain region can be activated...
I ran my hands over the carved top, the curve of the bout in direct line from the great Italian violin makers, the rosewood bridge, the pearl inlay, the mahogany; all converged to produce sweet music of the soul. I touched her dark curves, the deeply female curves of her body, and ...
Talk about a love that moves heaven and earth! And this powerful love was given to the most undeserving people! So, scientifically speaking, the greatest power in the universe is not gravity or the suctioning power of the black hole. God’s love overruled all those powers and made the sol...