Blue light is a type of electromagnetic radiation(电磁辐射) with a very short wavelength that produces a large amount of energy. It's true that light can 1 your eyes under certain situations. But there's no scientific explanation 2 that blue light is harmful to our eyes. But many people ...
Dang and Gan et al. reported a sky-cooling strategy for LED streetlights using a nanoporous polyethylene architecture that is highly transparent to infrared radiation and reflective in the visible spectrum. Saichao Dang Hasan H. Almahfoudh
A molecular aggregate formed in a two-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite superlattice with a near-equilibrium distance is shown to have a near-unity photoluminescence quantum yield like that of single molecules, despite being in an aggregated state. Kang Wang , Zih-Yu Lin & Letian Dou...
What is light in physics? What is the speed of light? What is a rainbow? light,electromagnetic radiationthat can be detected by thehuman eye. Electromagneticradiationoccurs over an extremely wide range ofwavelengths, fromgamma rayswith wavelengths less than about 1 × 10−11metre toradio waves...
Light: Advanced Manufacturing is a sister research journal of Light: Science & Applications. The aim for Light: Advanced Manufacturing is to be a journal that publishes the high quality, important papers.
The absorbed radiation is reemitted when the excited electron drops back into a lower energy state, but this might not be the one it started from, so the photon it emits has a different wavelength than the one that was originally absorbed. The light emitted from the material is a mix of...
Nonlinear effects in optics offer the possibility of generating or manipulating light in almost any manner. The laser itself, producing light not available in nature, is the most obvious example. Therefore nonlinear interactions are the basis of photonic
aAs a new type of coherent light source, THz radiation is of great scienti¯c value and broad application prospects in physical chemistry, information and basic research in the field of biology, as well as materials, national security, medical and other technical fields. 作为连贯光源的一个新型...
One major difference between LEDs and ILDs is their spatial and temporal coherence. An ILD radiates a relatively narrow beam of light that has a narrow spectral width. In contrast, LED sources have much wider radiation patterns (beam width) and have moderately large spectral widths. These factors...
(2) Insects use the moon as a celestial compass cue to navigate, and mistakenly use artificial light sources instead8. (3) Thermal radiation from light sources is attractive to flying insects9. (4) The sensitive night-adapted eyes of insects are blinded by artificial lights, causing them to...