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Light In The Box Reviews OverallLight In The Boxhas a3.3star rating based on3user reviews. any one use Hi,has any one use Niky(Posted at 10:43 pm onFebruary 21, 2012.) Cheap, good service, great products ...
any one use Hi,has any one use Niky (Posted at 4:43 am on February 22, 2012.) Cheap, good service, great products I have bought from twice and Im thinking about buying from them again today. I have bought car systems, speakers...
light - very thin and insubstantial; "thin paper"; "light summer dresses" thin - of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint" ...
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"he stepped into the light" a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination "follow God's light" 同义词:illumination the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures "he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark" ...
light summer dresses weak and likely to lose consciousness suddenly felt faint from the pain was sick and faint from hunger felt light in the head a swooning fit light-headed with wine light-headed from lack of sleepSynonym:faintswooninglight-headedlightheaded adv with few burdens experienced trav...
16. light - very thin and insubstantial; "thin paper"; "light summer dresses" thin - of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint" ...
\\\"light summer dresses\\\" marked by temperance in indulgence; \\\"abstemious with the use of adverbs\\\" \\\"a light eater\\\" \\\"a light smoker\\\" \\\"ate a light supper\\\" less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so; ...