THE periodic system of the elements, arrived at originally from the collation of facts of a chemical nature, has since been most strikingly reflected by most of the physical properties of the elements. The melting points, boiling points, coefficients of thermal expansion, atomic volumes, compress...
Educational Tool:Ideal for students and teachers, this table aids in understanding and remembering elements. Pick A Random Element From The Periodic Table|Beryllium On Periodic Table|83 Real Elements:Features 83 real element samples, including rare and expensive ones, for a hands-on chemistry experie...
Now scientists have found that most cosmic rays are atomic nuclei. All the natural elements in the periodic table are present in cosmic rays. About 90 percent of them are the nuclei of hydrogen (protons); about 9 percent are helium nuclei (alpha particles); and the other heavier elements, ...
An LED or IRED consists of two elements of processed material called P-type semiconductors and N-type semiconductors. These two elements are placed in direct contact, forming a region called the P–N junction. In this respect, the LED or IRED resembles most other diode types, but there are...
The invention relates to a light emitting semi-conductor component comprising a number of layers which are essentially composed of elements of groups II and VI of the periodic table, which are produced through epitaxy on a substrate, preferably InP and which include a p-doped covering layer and...
Spin-orbit coupling (SOC), which is the core of many condensed-matter phenomena such as nontrivial band gap and magnetocrystalline anisotropy, is generally considered appreciable only in heavy elements. This is detrimental to the synthesis and application of functional materials. Therefore, amplifying...
The anode sides of respective EL elements E-E constituting icons are connected to a first potential V, the cathode sides of the EL elements E-E are connected to current absorption sides of constant current sources I-I, and current output sides of the constant current sources are connected to...
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) have become the currently preferred artificial light source in most phototrophic cultivations because of their durability (lifetime >25-50,000 h) and lack of toxic elements such as mercury, unlike fluorescent lamps. LEDs have also the advantage of being fast-...
A plan for a program of research is outlined in which an understanding of the chemistry of the elements at the end of the actinide series and the beginning of the transactinide series is developed using the frameworks of the periodic table, of thermodynamics, and of the Dirac theory of relati...
Rare earths (REs) are composed of 17 elements in the periodic table. Except for the four elements with atomic number 21, 39, 57, and 71, all other 13 elements have incompletely filled 4 f shells screened by 5s25p6sub-shells1,2. As shown in Fig.1, the unique electronic configure ge...