affinis-lab/traffic-light-detection-module Star39 Module for detecting traffic lights in the CARLA autonomous driving simulator. Based on the YOLO v2 deep learning object detection model and implemented in keras, using the tensorflow backend.
The intrusion detection module was composed of the XGBoost to perform anomaly detection. Kumar et al. [18] proposed the Sp2f consisting of a two-level privacy engine and a deep learning-based anomaly detection engine. The Sp2f was deployed in fog nodes, while cloud nodes were only used to...
Light version of convolutional neural network Yolo v3 & v2 for objects detection with a minimum of dependencies (INT8-inference, BIT1-XNOR-inference) - AlexeyAB/yolo2_light
To solve the aforementioned difficulties, we propose the NLE-YOLO low-light object detection model. We use the improved image as input in our model to extract more information for better results. Given that the C2f module allows the model to get richer gradient flow information, we propose a ...
However, these systems do not allow imaging from opposing detection sides. Here we present an open-top, dual-view and dual-illumination light-sheet microscope, combining the advantages of multiview imaging with an open-top geometry and a multiwell sample holder enabling long-term multiposition ...
Kvaser Leaf Light v2User’s Guide Copyright2011-2014Kvaser AB,Mölndal,Sweden Printed Tuesday29th April,2014 We believe that the information contained herein was accurate in all respects at the time of printing. Kvaser AB cannot,however,assume any responsibility for errors ...
PaddleLightMdel,其中包括经典的MobileNetV1-V3、PPLCNetV1-V2、SqueezeNetv2、ShuffleNet、MobileVit等轻量化模型以及自己复现的EdgeNeXt、Efficientnet-Lite、PeleeNet、VovNet等轻量化模型。 二、PaddleLightModel已有模型介绍和对比 SqueezeNet,提出了fire module【使用 1x1 卷积核替换部分 3x3 卷积核,减少参数量;同时...
and MobileNetV2 in the public dataset ImageNet.And then the MagnetNets network model is applied to the defect detection system for magnetic defect detection.The experimental results show that the proposed network architecture significantly reduces the number of parameters and has good performance,At ...
[Libra R-CNN] Libra R-CNN: Balanced Learning for Object Detection | [CVPR' 19] |[pdf] [FSAF] Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection | [CVPR' 19] |[pdf] [ExtremeNet] Bottom-up Object Detection by Grouping Extreme and Center Points | [CVPR' 19] |[pdf]...
SOLOv2,实时实例分割. Contribute to shuxsu/PaddleDetection-SOLOv2 development by creating an account on GitHub.