WORKS ON A VARIETY OF SMOOTH OUTDOOR SURFACES: Command Light Clips bond to doors, flat vinyl siding, soffits, finished fences, tile, painted cinder block and windows SURFACE PREP: Clean with a dry cloth to remove dirt and debris to allow the Command Light Clips to bond to the surfac...
doi:USD420568 SRepmann, Dennis JWinkler, Joyce AUSUSD420568 * Mar 29, 1999 Feb 15, 2000 Decorative light removable fastener for vinyl sidingUSD420568 1999年3月29日 2000年2月15日 Decorative light removable fastener for vinyl siding
To run wires to the electronics, I had to drill through vinyl siding because I wanted the electronics inside my shop (the shop happens to be immediately behind the ideal mounting position for the sign). You'll need to figure out how to run wires for your own installation, and follow the...