“Due to this kind of mis-translation, biblical scholars and clerics have been relating Humans’ arrival on Earth as beginning some 8,000 years ago. However, the ‘years’ they related to Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah had each covered l...
属性~极恶——{正义值-500} 种族等级———吸血鬼牧师【Vampire Cleric】10LV ——真祖【True Vampire 】10LV 职业等级——— ———牧师(邪恶领域)【Cleric】 15LV ———诅咒骑士【Damned Knight】LV5 ———黑暗卫士【Blackguard】LV5 ———亡魂之主【Master of 217063 galgame吧 最后的童谣 【随笔】...