Looks at a terminally ill child creating her own holiday miracle. Comments made.SoferBarbaraWoman's Day
Tonight, eight candles will glow on the menorahs of Jews celebrating the final night of Chanukah (Hanukkah.) The celebration began at sundown on Thursday, December 7, and ends at nightfall tomorrow, December 15. Across the world, Jews commemorate the Festival of Lights with festivals and family...
aIt seemed that Susan had been facing the same dilemma that Ellie had been that first night of Chanukah. She really didn't want to light her menorah either. Not because she was packing, or was heading home, couldn't find the candles or because she busy studying but because her older sis...
How Many Candles Do We Light on Chanukah?Section II. Levels Two and Three: Enhancing the Mitzvah - "Mehadrin" and "Mehadrin min Ha-mehadrin"Part A. How Many Candles do We Light?Part B. Who Lights the Candles?Part C. The Underpinnings of the Three-way DisputeMehadrin Min Ha-mehadrin...