"A light-bulb moment is when you have a sudden realization about something," 电灯泡时刻是指你突然醒悟的那一瞬间。 "President-Elect Obama said that there was not a light-bulb moment when he decided to name Hillary Clinton as Secretary of Stat...
light-bulb moment,电灯泡时刻,可不是当电灯泡的意思。 "A light-bulb moment is when you have a sudden realization about something," 电灯泡时刻是指你突然醒悟的那一瞬间。 "President-Elect Obama said that there was not a light-bulb moment when he decided to name Hillary...
#潮词儿# light-bulb moment 灯泡时刻指灵光闪现、受到启发,或者意识到什么的时刻,就像很多动漫里,叮地一声,角色脑中灯泡一亮,于是想到了了不得的事情~ û收藏 4 4 ñ7 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
1 首先我们先学习bulb 这个单词,”植物球茎,球状物“ 原文释义如图。 2 接着我们来学习下 light bulb moment 的中文释义,”灵光一现…“ 的意思。原文释义如图。3 接下来我给大家几个非常实用的原声例句。例句1;I often have light-bulb moments on planes on the way home。例句2; ...
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网络释义 1. 灵感的突然闪现 ... **Life is just a bowl of cherries 生活就很简单,美好 **Light bulb moment灵感的突然闪现*Light on your feet 身轻如燕 ... blog.hjenglish.com|基于5个网页 2. 灵光一现 英汉词汇翻译对照表_吴畏_新浪博客 ... Life force: 生命力Light bulb moment:灵光一现Light...
light bulb moment Medical Idioms n 1.a moment of sudden inspiration, revelation, or recognition [C20: from the cartoon image of a light bulb lighting up above a character's head when he or she has an idea] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper...
Light bulb moment By stupid!!! - 02/09/2020 19:58 Today, my lamp wouldn’t turn on. I spent a good 10 minutes looking for a replacement bulb before I thought to check if it was plugged in. It wasn’t. FML I agree, your life sucks 533 You deserved it 1 111 ...
These are 99 best light bulb quotes and short light bulb sayings to inspire you. Read and share famous light bulb quotes about edison light bulb, anthem light bulb, light bulb moment